News Archiv 2005
- FATER Foundation We want to help the Kyrgyz FATER Foundation – to help in education access for children from families who normally cannot afford university costs. We would appreciate if our business partners could take part in some fundraising. Read more…
- Republic of Macedonia (English) Les pages officielles du projet UE „Technical Assistance to Draft Trade Laws“(Assistance Technique pour la Rédaction des Lois Economiques). Entreprises, investisseurs potentiels, juristes, avocats, conseillers fiscaux et commerciaux sont invités à télécharger les lois nationales et européennes.
- „European Union Law for Small & Medium Enterprises in Macedonia“ – edited by Hans-Jürgen Zahorka, Marija Risteska, Juliana Dimovska download…
- Evropeiski Soyuz: Instituty – Ekonomika – Bizness – Zakonodatelstvo – Politika (in Russian language) more…
- European Union Law for Small and Medium Enterprises in Macedonia (in Macedonian language).more…
- Do Economic Free Zones Pass Legal Scrutiny? more…, Order
- „European Union Law for Small & Medium Enterprises in Macedonia“ download…
- Turkey: „Regular Report on Turkey’s progress towards accession“, 6.10.2004 DE, EN, FR (download pdf) Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parlament: „Recommendation of the European Commission on Turkey’s progress towards accession“ DE, EN, FR (download pdf)
- „Strategy Paper of the European Commission on progress in the enlargement process“ DE, EN, FR