Sharing University Papers
LIBERTAS – European Institute invites you to share your university papers. There are lots of papers finished every day, which are interesting but nobody knows them. Information-Sheet
- You write or wrote a paper on European, international or comparative law, international politics or policy or related disciplines (economy, history, ethnology, geography etc.), in particular on European – third country relations, or on regional integration. You are involved in undergraduate, graduate or post-graduate university curricula (like Bachelor, Masters, Ph.D. etc.) or in those of likewise institutions.
- In selected cases you may get a supervisor for your work from LIBERTAS. This depends of the subject and of time availability of our staff, and of course if a supervisor is necessary. As a rule, it might be possible for some Master degrees. But we have to point out that for capacity reasons we cannot very often do this.
- We might publish your papers in hardcopy (see “Call for Papers” on this Website) or, as a rule, publish them in the Internet.
- We also will, in suitable cases, consider your paper to pass to relevant state and private institutions, NGOs etc. in the countries or international institutions concerned.
- We can consider all languages, but must reserve the right for technical reasons to refuse some languages. Anyway, a short abstract (up to 2 pages) either in English, German or French should be submitted in addition. We suggest you take English. Don’t be afraid if the language you write is not your native language; all research results should be made open to anyone in the world. And as the papers are in the Internet always an improved edition can replace your first one.
- The purpose of our action in this field is to facilitate debate and knowledge exchange around the papers published in the Internet, but also to disseminate your papers around the world. We want to learn from your conclusions. At the same time, we want to open sources for the scientific work of others.
- The formatting will be:
- Name, address, e-mail, and other indications which are in the discretion of the author
- University, faculty
- Kind of paper
- Abstract (in English, French or German)
- Text of the paper
- LIBERTAS retains and reserves all rights to refuse or, after publication, remove all papers. It also points out that all contents are those of the submitting parties and that it has no responsibility for any of the works published.
- No side has any financial claim for the publication.
- If there are no other agreements, the authors stay owners of the copyright.