in the Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia
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In 2003 the European Agency for Reconstruction contracted the consortium, Thales Engineering & Consulting and Ghelber Law Firm, to provide Technical Assistance to Draft Trade Laws.
The project was mandated to help prepare primary and secondary legislation that meets the specific needs of the Macedonian economy while complying with the EU acquis communautaire (the EU term for all what has been achieved by previous EU legislation and policy) and the terms of their WTO agreements. It also seeks to improve monitoring and compliance and the presentation and flow of information.
During the one year project some 37 international experts, supported by local experts, representing a wide range of expertise have contributed to the projects outcome. In particular thei efforts have focused on:
more information … (PowerPoint Presentation)
Speech of Mr. Daniel Giuliaris, Head of Centre, European Agency for Reconstruction, Final Conference May 7th 2004, Holiday Inn, Skopje/Macedonia download in English
Technical Assistance to Draft Trade Law
An EU-funded Project managed by the European Agency for Reconstruction