Overview of Key Economic Legislation
(download in pdf-format) All translations are unofficial. In case of doubt the Macedonian version is relevant.
You are welcome to send comments on the national economy-related laws to dtl@economy.gov.mk
Commercial & Consumer Law
I. Domestic Trade Daft By-Laws
- Book of rools on the minimum technical termas and conditions for business permises download
- Book of rools on the template, content and form of the application for commencement of operations and for verification of the fulfillment of the minimum-technical requirements that have to be fulfilled by the selling facilities download
- Book of rules on the template, content and form of the application for determining the hours and the schedule of the working time download
- Book of rules on the form and the manner of keeping records of the purchase and sale of products and rendering trade services download
II. External Trade Draft By-Laws
Public Economic & Utilities Law
Other Relevant Laws
All translations are unofficial. In case of doubt the Macedonian version is relevant.
I. General
II. Banking and Financial Law
III. Taxation and Likewise Laws
IV. Economic Activity Laws