News – Events
- Closing Conference on the Project „Technical Assistance to Draft Trade Laws“ 7.5.2004, Skopje/Macedonia, Holiday Inn more…
- „Public Presentation of the new Trade Law and the new Draft Law on Consumer Protection“ 30.4.2004, Bitola/Macedonia, Hotel Epinal more…
- Conference „Competition, Public Enterprises and Utilities“ 8.4.2004, Skopje/Macedonia, Holiday Inn more…
- Workshop „A new Framework for Personal Data Protection“ 7.4.2004, Skopje/Macedonia, Holiday Inn more…
- Workshop „For a Law on International Commercial Arbitration“ 2.4.2004, Skopje/Macedonia, Holiday Inn more…
- Conference on „Participation to the Law Making Process in the Economical Field “ 26.3.2004, Skopje/Macedonia, Parliamentary Club more…
- Public presentation of the new Trade Law and the Draft Consumer Protection Law 18.3.2004, Veles/Macedonia, Hotel Villa Zora; more…
- Study Tour to Paris more…
- Study Tour to Austria, Czech Republik and Slovakia more…
- Study Tour to Slovenija and Austria
Technical Assistance to Draft Trade Law An EU-funded Project managed by the European Agency for Reconstruction