Links to existing EEIGs
Here are some examples for EEIGs, in form of links to websites of European Economic Interest Groupings. The European EEIG Information Centre is not responsible for the content of these links.
If your own EEIG or one you know is interested to take part in the following link collection, please mail this to We need the homepage address, the postal and e-mail address, a contact person, a phone number and a text proposal. You will then be contacted immediately. The same principle should be applied if you, as one of the EEIGs mentioned hereafter, have corrections.
- AllgAllgäu / Tirol Vitales Land EWIV: This EEIG, being with about 40 members very large, had been created in the framework of the EU’s INTERREG programme for the promotion of trans-border cooperation. The seat is Pfronten/Allgäu. Members of the grouping are from Bavaria/Germany and Tyrol/Austria: local Tyrolean tourism associations, Allgäu counties, towns and villages as well as lift companies from both countries. All interested in EEIGs are kindly invited to spend their holidays in this region!
- Burgenländische Forschungs- und Projektentwicklungs-EWIV: In the Austrian State of Burgenland there is, as a kind of „daughter company“ of the Burgenland Research Society, an EEIG, which as active in many fields like training, cultural exchanges etc., together with Belgian partners.
- Central European Cultural Cooperation: Central European Cultural Cooperation was set up as an EEIG in 2001 with the objective to promote cross-border cultural cooperation in Central Europe, above all between Austria and the Czech Republic. Seat of this EEIG is Pregarten/Oberösterreich; the members are mainly local and regional cultural initiatives from Austria and Czech Republic. This EEIG disposes of excellent cultural contacts and develops cross-border model projects like the ACCC – Austrian Czech Cultural Cooperation.
- EuroPart Unternehmensberater EWIV: Sitting in Nussdorf/Inn in Bavaria and with members from Belgium, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Portugal and Austria, this EEIG consists of company consultants with different accents. Thus they maximize their synergy effects in conpany leadership, organisation, marketing, cooperations, human resource development and quality management.
- European Coordination of Film Festivals EEIG: This EEIG with seat in Belgium is a network of about 170 audiovisual festivals in European regions. It is open for new members and their initiatives.
- European Grouping of Societies of Authors and Composers: There are 24 members from the whole EU, Switzerland and Norway who form this umbrella organization for national author societies. Having its seat in Brussels, this EEIG has altogether indirectly more than 480.000 music and other authors.
- European Round Table of Charitable Social Welfare Associations EEIG: This EEIG has a social orientation, and its seat is Brussels. It groups e.g. the German and Austrian umbrella organisations for free welfare, but also various similar associations from other EU countries. The object of this EEIG was e.g. an EU-financed project on „Cooperation of welfare associations with local government in the fields of social integration and job creation“.
- INIVE EEIG – International Network for Information on Ventilation: This EEIG, sitting in Brussels, has been created in May 2001. It consists of various institutes for construction research from Belgium, France, Greece and Norway. INIVE EEIG offers association or sponsoring facilities for interested companies.
- icp EWIV: ipc is an EEIG already since 1989, and it was therefore one of the first. The company is an international network of support for takeovers and megers, for selling companies, cooperation and alliances. It is specialised on services like integration of companies having been taken over, as well as in restructuring.
- Islek ohne Grenzen EWIV: A Belgian-Luxemburg-German EEIG for inter-regional cooperation, to promote regional identitiy, of arts and culture, and for the solution of common regional problems in the social-economic field.
- Mulco-Europe Since more than 50 years there is cooperation in Europe in machine construction, and since 1999 there exists this EEIG. Mulco Europe EWIV with the seat in Hannover/Germany today has 17 members from Italy, Germany, Sweden, France, Spain, Austria, the Netherlands, UK and Switzerland.
- NETS EWIV – Netzwerk Europäischer Tourismus mit Sanfter Mobilität: This EEIG reunites associations, local and regional structures, tourism and regional policy consultants, transport planning officers etc., from Austria and Germany. There are associated members from Switzerland, Austria, the Netherlands and Germany. The EEIG has its seat in Vienna. It is a network for European quality tourism and soft mobility. This includes lobbying for the object of the EEIG and the members – the EEIG being open for all interested parties – as well as events like conferences, workshops, but also the introduction of a NETS quality certificate for “soft mobile” tourism programmes.
- PERSPECTIVE EEIG: An EEIG between architecture offices with task forces in the fields of planning and construction of enterprises, hotels, healthcare and pharmaceutical sector, town planning, telecommunication, with members from Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, UK and – as associate member – the USA.
- plan 4 21 plan 4 21 EWIV is a German-Austrian group of architects, tourism planners etc. with a seat in Berlin. The European Consulting Planning Coordination co-operate in construction projects as well as landscape and tourism planning projects, as well as for retail trade. Of special interest is the European East-West dimension, in particular with Poland. Plan 4 21 EWIV publishes a Newsletter which can be downloaded here.
- System Flooring EWIV: An EEIG for Europe-wide product certification of flooring systems, taking care of standardization projects, too. The Stuttgart-based EEIG has presently very competent members from Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany.
- Tischlerei Koch & Freiter: Bernd Freiter from Thimister-Clermont/Belgium and Andreas Koch from Vaals/Netherlands are both German carpenters with European seats. Their cooperation ended in an EEIG, with production in Thimister and office in Vaals, and many clients from all over Europe. Shopcounters, furniture for trade fairs, general furnishings – or a simple table, all these are serious tasks for the team, where also trainees can make their apprenticeship.
- Transnord EWIV: A Swedish-German EEIG with the seat in Hamburg, for consulting and project management in the field of international freight forwarding. For this purpose, a simulation system had been developed.
- UNITAS Management Consulting Group EWIV: UNITAS is a German-Spanish consultants’ EEIG with the seat in Loffenau near Baden-Baden. It is specialized on micro-economically relevant aspects of management consulting, in particular banking projects and change management.
- Wetland Action EEIG: grouping three members from the Netherlands and the UK in an EEIG, aiming at ecologically sustainable and socially sensitive wetland management. Works for national and international donors in Ethiopia, Rwanda, Niger and in multinational projects throughout East and Southern Africa.