LIBERTAS has considerable experience in training design and training delivery in European Affairs. In particular, we have contributed to electronic teaching material for Universities of Applied Science in Switzerland, for publications for Small and Medium Businesses, or to European Affairs trainings of ministerial civil servants in Georgia or Kosovo, among others. In both countries we also worked on Train-the-Trainers programmes. LIBERTAS protagonists are also members of the TEAM EUROPE of the European Commission.
- The situation of European Affairs in the EU and in the Balkan
- Brainstorming on European integration training in Kosovo
- The art of selection of subjects – or: one cannot be an expert on everything
- Subject diversification of the participants
- When and how to make training needs assessments
- Who could be an audience? – What is expected?
- Kosovo groups
- local groups
- international groups
- Preparation for public relations via the Internet for audience groups
- How to remain fit:
- Website(s)
- Periodical (free) information services
- Periodicals, papers, books
- Personal information (lectures, talks etc.)
- How to set up an archive
- Use of test hotline until the end of the project
- Didactical remarks:
- Preparation on the audience
- Preparation for the technical facilities
- Distance speaker / audience
- Computer projection – how to do them and how not
- Handout, papers
- Flipchart, wideboard, black
- The example of TEAM EUROPE of the European Commission
- Typical “anti” arguments (in the EU and in Kosovo / Example: the British “euro-myths”)
- How to counter these arguments
- How to be positive
- Tests for presentations / discussions on the presentation (also in new fields, like State Aid, ENP, European Monetary Union, the EU Constitution etc.)