If your company is interested in investing into the Kyrgyz Textile sector you should click the following link of the Union of Kyrgyz Textile Industry, with short profiles of member companies:
www.souztextil.clothes.kg (temporarly not available)
The Kyrgyz textile industry offers high quality and low prices, compared to Europe. However, there is a lack of investment, which could be overcome by European textile producers just passing on their own textile machines, like
It is very easy to invest in Kyrgyz small and medium sized businesses.
The textile sector
All of the Kyrgyz textile and garment factories have outlets in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan’s capital. Visitors can visit them and make very interesting purchases.
If you have further questions: Please contact Mr. Ernst Sykora, German Advisor to the Union of Kyrgyz Textile Industry, sykora@mail.ru or textilsouz@elcat.kg (in English or German language).
You also can turn to LIBERTAS – European Institute GmbH, kyrgyzstan@libertas-institut.com.