Planning and Construction within the Building Stock – „bauwerk europa“
This project has been financed under support of the European Commission. For the content of this publication only the author is responsible; the European Commission is not liable for further use of contained information.
- The project, beginning in October 2006 and expected to end in October 2008, has been selected by the EU Action Programme „Leonardo da Vinci“ for its innovative approach to develop broad competences in the field of „planning and construction within the building stock“ within Europe.
- With the course „European Specific Additional Qualification on Planning and Construction within the Building Stock“, foreseeing a step-by-step certification, the following target groups will be addressed: architects and engineers in architecture, interior design and architecture, urban planning as well as landscape planning, construction engineers and specialised engineers who participate in planning and construction, from the fields of geodesy, technology of buildings, construction physics, chemistry of construction and construction technology.
- The approach of continuous training consists first of transnational modules on multi-country content and secondly of country-specific modules, covering particular national aspects. Furthermore there has been conceived a transnational programme of exchange of experience. The participants have the opportunity for one or more stays in the partner countries within their intended qualification.
- After the successful end of this additional qualification „Planning and Construction within the Building Stock“, the graduates will receive a certificate of participation of IF Bau. In the framework of this project there are plans for a step-by-step certification (certification of the educational institution, university certificate, Master degree) as well as the recognition in the framework of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS system) with the awarding of European Credit Points (ECP).
- The project will be rounded off by the setting up of an international expert pool. The objective of this project component is the improvement of information transfer in planning and construction in Europe as well as the alleviation of taking contacts to and among the relevant experts.
- Partners of the project are:
- Institut Fortbildung Bau gGmbH (IFBau), Stuttgart – Germany,
- Österreichisches Ökologie-Institut, Austrian Institute for Applied Ecology, Wien – Austria
- GEM architects s.r.o., Praha, Czech Republic
- Berufsfortbildungswerk, Gemeinnützige Bildungseinrichtung des DGB gGmbH (bfw) – Competence Center Europa, Heidelberg – Germany
- EUROPA-Universität Viadrina, Collegium Polonicum Slubice, Frankfurt (Oder) – Germany, Slubice – Poland
- Fraunhofer Informationszentrum Raum und Bau, Stuttgart – Germany
- Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart, Amt für Stadtplanung und Stadterneuerung, Stuttgart – Germany
- LIBERTAS – Europäisches Institut GmbH, Rangendingen – Germany
- PLK Städtebau GbR Albani Wilhelm, Berlin – Germany
- Budapesti Kereskadelmi és Iparkamara (IHK Budapest) – Budapest CCI, International Relations Departement, Budapest, Hungary
- Coqui Malachowska-Coqui urban design and landscape architecture Berlin/Warszawa – Germany/Poland
- Politechnika Warszawska, Instytut Mechniki i Konstrukcji, Warsaw – Poland
- Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave, Bratislava – Slovakia –